Through the Woods and Over The Hill
Through the Woods and Over The Hill
The Aging of America's Warriors
Bridget C. Cantrell, Ph.D. (2012)
The latest of Dr. Cantrell's books addresses the aging warriors' reflections about their combat experiences. According to LTG Russel L. Honore (US Army Ret.), "Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, along with your military training, helps the aging veteran to better prepare for challenges in later life." The book is intended as a guide for aging warriors to help them find meaning and solutions for a better life after living through military service.
“You rock Dr. Cantrell!!! Thank you so very much for everything. I’m just one Soldier and you’ve helped me in such a huge way. I think about everyone else you’re touched and its like you left this giant foot print of love and compassion on all of us. You are such a blessing!”
“I also want you to know that it was [...] things that I learned from you, and your book that literally kept me from killing myself. I feel like I am a better man, because I have been exposed to you. Thank you does not begin to come close to cover the regard I hold you in.”